, pub-7313179000042892, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L M F: February 2014

Healthy foods for eyes must READ and SHARE

Staring at your gadgets, computer as well as television constantly can harm your vision. Make sure you include these foods in your diet to improve and protect your eyes. 

Spinach: Loaded with vitamin C, beta carotene and large amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, spinach contains nutrients that absorb 40 to 90% of blue light intensity and as a result, act like sunscreen for your eyes. Have it as a side vegetable with dinner or saute it in an omelet. 
Carrots: Rich in beta carotene, an antioxidant that helps reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts, carrots are the most recommended for improving your eyesight. Have them raw as a part of your veggie salad or with a curd dip. 
Eggs: According to experts, the egg yolk is a prime source of lutein and zeaxanthin as well as zinc, that also helps reduce your macular degeneration risk. 
Almonds: Research suggests that almonds are filled with vitamin E, which slows macular degeneration. A handful of almonds are said to provide about half of your daily dose of vitamin E.
Sweet potatoes: Containing beta carotene, sweet potatoes help promote healthy vision and also help the eyes to adjust to low levels of light at night, according to studies.
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Steps to prepare Strawberry and rose petal ice cream

  • Egg white 1
  • Golden caster sugar 130g, plus extra for the rose petals.
  • Pink rose heads 2, pulled into petals
  • Whole milk 300ml
  • Vanilla pod 1, split or 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • Egg yolks 3
  • Strawberries 300g, stalks removed
  • Double cream 300ml
  • Rosewater 1 tbsp
-Light beat the egg white (to break it up) and put the sugar on a saucer.
-Dip the rose petals in the egg white and then in the sugar, and dot them over a cake rack. Leave to dry over night.
-Put the milk add the split vanilla pod in a pan. Bring to the boil, remove from the heat and leave to infuse for half an hour. Beat the sugar with the egg yolks. Discard the vanilla pod and pour the vanilla milk into the egg mixture. Put into a saucepan and gently heat, constantly stirring, until you have a thin custard-too much heat and the custard will curdle and separate.
-Allow to cool, thin chill.
-Liquidize the strawberries to a puree. Whip the cream to soft peak stage, fold in the strawberry puree, rosewater, and then fold in to the cold custard. Churn in an ice cream machine until almost freezing. Add the rose petals, and briefly churn to stir through then freeze.
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Wanna Forever young ?? follow the tips

We give you the au natural ways to beauty that's timeless. Read on to find out the secret fruits and vegetables that hold the power to anti aging.

Cruciferous vegetables: It simply means cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, radish and turnip. These veggies also offer the double bonus of helping fight cancer. One trick to eating cruciferous vegetables is eating them raw or lightly cooked, so the enzymes are not destroyed and they are still able to fight toxins and cancer.

Garlic and ginger: Garlic prevents influenza and the common flu while keeping vampires at bay!. It also stops cell degeneration and thins the blood. While ginger helps in smooth digestion by washing out the toxins. When it comes to aging, ginger helps rejuvenate our cells and stops damage.

Omega 3: Some suggest that if you want to increase Omega 3 for anti aging purposes, then decrease your intake of Omega 6, i.e. dairy and meat products. This could be a great bargain as you also reduce your chances of heart ailments, osteoporosis, arthritis and thrombotic stroke by increasing omega 3 intake. You can also boost your Omega 3 with walnuts and roasted or ground flax seeds.

Red wine: Not just a drink for the French or the Italians, wine is widely consumed in India as well. A glass of wine is all you need to juice up your damaged cells. Wine contains antioxidant that surround free radicals (or cells that damage healthy cells), and lessen any damage caused by them.

Indian Gooseberries (Amla): It's cheap and is a rich source of Vitamin C. We all know the benefits of this vitamin; it fights free radicals hence prevents aging and gives you glowing skin. Amla is the secret to clean skin, a healthy immune system and all while detoxifying the liver.

Tomatoes: Red juicy tomatoes can be eaten raw or cooked; you can include them in salads or grill them with a dash of olive oil, salt and pepper. It's a good thing that tomatoes are easily available in India; they protect us from the harsh sun and help us prevent wrinkles. Lycopene in tomatoes, protects the skin from oxidation.

Now that you have the Top 6 Anti Aging Foods, you don't have to rely on expensive anti aging lotions and creams. Go Natural!
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