{1.} 18 is the approximate age when growth of brain stops
{2.} When you laugh while being tickled, what you are experiencing is actually a form of panic.That is why you can't tickle yourself.
{3.} We have an average of 70,000 thoughts per day.
{4.} Our brain generates 10-23 watts of electricity.
{5}. The Best exercise for brain is laughing.We might think that laughing at a joke is a simple enough action, yet it requires activity in 5 different areas of our brain! .
{6.} The left side of your brain actually controls the right side of your body, and the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body. Strange, indeed!,
{7.} Right vs Left -The brain is divided into two identical sides. While they do co-operate together, the left brain is involved with more rational aspects such as logical thinking, and the right side of the brain is more emotionally and visually orientated.
{8.} That being said, your brain is the most fatty organ in your body!as it contains more than 60% fat! Who would've guessed?!.
{9.} When you sleep, you’re virtually paralyzed because your brain creates a hormone to prevent you from acting out your dreams.
{10.} No Pain - The brain contains no pain receptors, therefore it cannot feel pain! This is the reason why brain surgery is able to be performed on the patient while they are still awake
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