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Steps to prepare Strawberry coconut ice cream

Recipe Ingredients :
- Double cream 300ml 
- Golden caster sugar 4 tbsp 
- Coconut milk 300ml 
- Vanilla extracts ½ tsp 
- Sweetened dessicated coconut 150g, plus extra to serve
Recipe Method:
  • Beat the double cream with half of the sugar until soft peaks form, then stir in the coconuts milk, vanilla extract and desiccated coconut. Divide the mixture into two, and keep chilled.
  • Process the strawberries with the remaining sugar to make a smooth puree, and then stir this into one of the coconuts mixture. Line a deep square tin (approx 18 x 18cm) with greaseproof paper. Pour the white mixture into the tin and freeze. When almost frozen, pour the pink strawberry layer on top and freeze. Remove the ice cream from its container, sprinkle with dessicated coconuts, and serve in slices.
  • Tip to make the turning out process easy and to keep things neat and tidy, use two bands of greaseproof paper, each the width of the sides, arranged in a cross shape. If your container has a loose-fitted base, this makes things even easier.

Preparation time:30 mins
Cooking time: 20 mins+ chilling and freezing
Serves: 6-8
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