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Simple Diet Changes Treat Asthma

In order to remove respiratory issues and expand the capacity of your lungs, you need to consume foods abundant in vitamin C and beta carotene. Also, drinking carrot juice and adding several ribs of celery in your meals would be extremely beneficial. You should consume food rich in chlorophyll in big amounts which detoxifies the colon and liver.

Your diet should include beetroot, capsicum, pumpkin, ginger root, pomegranate, blueberries, lemongrass, strawberry, cranberries, fennel, kale, watercress, tomato, radish, pineapple, guava, soursop, cucumber, cilantro, spinach, wheat grass.
Furthermore, what you need to consume is the following:
  • Fruits and juices rich in antioxidants and vitamin C
  • Fish oil with high level of omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, mackerel and tuna
  • Hot, spicy mustard, pungent foods, garlic, chili peppers and onion
  • Brewed coffee (not processed or instant) with caffeine, or tea with theobromine
The following are our suggestions for portions that will be beneficial for your condition:
  • 2 green apples+ 6 ribs celery+ a bunch of spinach+ a bunch of parsley+ ¼ lemon
  • 1 oz(1 shot) wheat grass juice+ a squeeze of lemon juice.
  • ¼ pineapple+ 1 fennel+ 8-10 leaves of kale+ 3-4 radish(pungent)+ ½ lemon
  • ¼ pineapple+ 1 cucumber+ 2 capsicums (yellow/red)+ ½ bunch watercress+ ½ lemon
  • 2 cups of strawberries+ 1 cup cranberries+ 1 pomegranate
  • 1 cucumber+ 2 medium-sized beetroots+ 3 sticks lemongrass+ ½ lemon

On the other hand, you need to avoid the following foods , as they can lead to an asthma attack:
  • Animal products like eggs, cow milk, dairy, meat( beef, pork, mutton, chicken and fish)
  • Citrus fruits
  • Sodium and monosodium glutamate ( increase the constriction of the bronchial tubes that the histamine causes)
  • Vegetable oil like corn, sunflower, safflower (can cause inflammation)
  • Soft drinks
  • Alcohol in the pure form
Keep your diet healthy and you will help yourself, as these small diet changes can make a huge difference in case of asthma.

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