, pub-7313179000042892, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L M F: Eat 2 Black-Spotted Bananas and see its effect on your Body parts

Eat 2 Black-Spotted Bananas and see its effect on your Body parts

Moreover, this is what will happen if you regularly eat two bananas for a month:
Boosted Digestion
Bananas are extremely easy to digest, so they have a significant effect in the case of constipation, diarrhea and heartburn. Yet, in some rare cases, in 1% of those who suffer from acid reflux, bananas worsen the condition.
Stabilizes diabetes
Bananas are rich in vitamin C, potassium and fiber, so they are remarkable in the case of diabetes. Namely, diets rich in fiber improve insulin levels, so bananas will significantly improve the condition. Yet, note that bananas are also high in carbohydrates as well.

Heart Health
As the banana is a rich source of Vitamin C, potassium, fiber and Vitamin B6, it is amazing for your cardiovascular health. Furthermore, research has shown that the consumption of 4,069 mg of potassium on a daily basis reduces the risk of an ischemic heart disease by 49%,  compared to those who consumed around 1,000 mg only. Moreover, these amazing fruits also lower the risk of stroke.

Lower Blood Pressure
High blood pressure can be significantly reduced due to potassium, as it maintains a balance of the effects of salt. Namely, our body needs to have balanced potassium and sodium amounts in order to keep the blood pressure at a healthy level.

Enhanced memory and mood
“Bananas might be the world’s most perfect brain food. By supplying nutrients essential for proper neurological functioning, bananas help the brain regulate mood and appetite while also supporting important cognitive functions like focus and memory.”

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