, pub-7313179000042892, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L M F: She Rubs TOOTHPASTE on her FINGERNAILS and the result Shocks you

She Rubs TOOTHPASTE on her FINGERNAILS and the result Shocks you

Women will agree that very often they have the same problem with their nail polish it lasts too short. Acetone is chemical compound, same as many other nail polish removers and they all have unpleasant smell. Besides that, acetone has negative effect on the nails and the skin around the nails. The good news is that there is a solution for this: use toothpaste every day at least twice per day.

Here is how it works:
First of all squeeze some toothpaste and apply it to your nails.
Next step is to rub the area well.
You can use toothbrush as alternative, if you want to rub the nail strongly.

After the first use you will notice the difference between the nail polished removed with acetone and the one removed with toothpaste. Take look at the video below and see how it works

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