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Tips to lighten dark lips Naturally

Sugar scrubSugar scrub is very beneficial in the treatment of dark lips.Take 3-4 table spoons of sugar powder and add butter to it.mix it to form a thick paste and apply it on lips.Sugar works as a exfoliate and remove dead cells on the lips.Butter helps to increase the moisture and color.

BeetrootNatural agents present in the beetroot helps to remove the dead cells and gradually reduce the darkness.

Olive oilOlive oil has so many essential nutrients that will helps to reduce the darkness of lips.Retain few drops of olive oil and scrub it.

Rose petals: Prepare paste from rose petals by adding butter to it.Apply the mixture on lips rose petals helps to lighten the dark lips try to make it twice in a week for better noticeable results.

BerriesBerries are very helpful to lighten the dark lips.Prepare the paste from raspberries or strawberries and mix it up with aloevera gel and honey.Apply the mixture on lips and scrub it.Wash it off thoroughly after 10 minutes.

Petroleum jellyTake two tablespoons of petroleum jelly and add 1/2 tablespoon of strawaberry paste mix it well.Use it as a daily lip balm.

Pomegranate: Separate the pomegranate seeds and add butter.Blend it properly to make a paste.Apply this mixture over the lips and scrub it.This is one of the best natural home made remedy to get clear pink lips.

SaltMix pinch of table salt in tablespoon of milk and apply this mixture over the lips and scrub it gently.Wash it off after 10-15 minutes.

Aloevera: Aloevera gel is one of the best natural way to restore the  original color of lips.Apply aloevera gel over the lips and scrub it.

BananaPrepare a paste with banana and milk cream along with this add honey.Apply this mixture daily for a noticeable results.

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