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Papaya Health Benefits

1. Papaya acts as an antidote for hypertension. This is one of the most popular health benefits of papaya. The rich amount of potassium in papaya helps keeping the blood pressure in check along with improving the mental alertness.
2. Papaya can help improve eyesight. Consuming 3 or more servings per day may keep your eyesight normal, along with improving and lowering the primary cause of vision loss in older adults.
3. Papaya also helps in boosting the immunity system of our body. The presence of Beta-carotene in papaya is required for the proper functioning and boosting of the immune system.
4. Papaya also prevents the body from recurrent ear infections, cold and flu.
5. Papaya also provides protection against heart diseases. As it is rich in nutrients too, it helps in preventing the oxidation of cholesterol, which helps preventing the cause of heart attacks or strokes.
6. Papaya can also heal external wounds. The pulp of this fruit can be applied directly on the wounds.
7. Papaya is also able to cure chronic ulcers on skins. All you need to do is to take papaya juice and mix some butter in it. Apply it on the affected area for quick drying and healing of long standing ulcers.
8. If one suffers from respiratory disorders like cough, bronchitis and breathlessness, then papaya can be helpful as it contains latex which is useful in the respiratory disorders.
9. Papaya despite being sweet in taste is also good for diabetic patients.
10. Papaya can also help you from cancer. Papaya’s fiber is able to bind to cancer-causing toxins in the colon, thus keeping them from harming healthy colon cells.
So we saw how papaya is good for health too. Till now we were talking about the papaya fruit, ripe papaya, mashed papaya and papaya peels. Now we will discuss about the benefits of its juice and also find out how it is helpful to us.
These are the numerous skin, hair and health benefits provided by papaya and its juice. Though the results are not instant, once they are achieved, they are permanent. I shall conclude by saying that papaya indeed in a fruit of the angels, as it protects every possible body part and gives us with positive visible results.The uses of papaya are simple outstanding in number and efficacy!
Nutrient Value
Percentage of RDA
Energy39 Kcal2%
Carbohydrates9.81 g7.5%
Protein0.61 g1%
Total Fat0.14 g0.5%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber1.80 g4.5%
Folates38 µg9.5%
Niacin0.338 mg2%
Pantothenic acid0.218 mg4%
Pyridoxine0.019 mg1.5%
Riboflavin0.032 mg2.5%
Thiamin0.027 mg2%
Vitamin A1094 IU36%
Vitamin C61.8 mg103%
Vitamin E0.73 mg5%
Vitamin K2.6 µg2%
Sodium3 mg0%
Potassium257 mg5%
Calcium24 mg2.5%
Iron0.10 mg1%
Magnesium10 mg2.5%
Phosphorus5 mg1%
Zinc0.07 mg0.5%
Carotene-ß276 µg
Crypto-xanthin-ß761 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin75 µg

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