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Troubled by stinking feet

The main reason for smelly feet is bacteria that feed on the sweat of the feet. Bacteria on feet lead to the formation of organic acids which emanate a pungent odor. A large percentage of people are victims of smelly feet, but many tend to ignore the problem, thus calling for medical attention. Listed below are natural and medicinal techniques and tips which are useful in getting rid of stinking feet.

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Smelly Feet

1- Drink more water – Increase your intake of water as soon as you experience smelly feet. Water helps in flushing out toxins and is effective in reducing odor from all parts of the body.

2- Wash feet with vinegar – Soak feet in vinegar at least twice a week. Wash with plain water after 15 minutes and pat dry. Avoid moving out immediately after washing feet with vinegar.

3- Wash feet with black tea or green tea – Prepare a foot soak using fresh strained black or green tea. Soak your feet in the tea twice a week for thirty minutes before washing off with water and drying. Black tea is better in getting rid of feet odor than green tea. Tannic acid present in black tea helps to kill bacteria and also shut pores, thus preventing sweating.

4- Use tea tree oil – This oil has a very good smell. It also helps to kill germs and soothes your feet.

5- Use lemon – The citric acid present in lemon kills bacteria present in feet. Make a solution using fresh lemon juice and water. Soak your feet in this solution for at least fifteen minutes before washing with normal water. Repeat the process twice every week.

6- Use natural products in foot scrub – Scrubbing of the feet is necessary to get rid of dead skin cells that lead to the formation of bacteria. Ginger and radish paste is the best way to scrub off bacteria and hence smell of the feet.

7- Watch your diet – Intake of food that is rich in zinc helps to get rid of feet odor.

Medicinal Ways to Get Rid of Smelly Feet

1- Use deodorant and foot deodorizer – The same deodorant brand that you use for your underarms can be used for the feet as well. Only remember to maintain separate bottles. Else, use foot deodorizers available in any departmental store.

2- Rub benzoyl peroxide gel on the feet regularly. This gel kills the bacteria on the feet and gradually removes feet stench.

3- Paraffin treatment – In this treatment, the bottom of the feet is waxed using melted down cold wax. The dead skin cells are removed in the process, thus getting rid of the smell in the feet.

4- Use an acne soap to wash your feet. This special soap helps to kill bacteria settled in feet and get rid of toxins. Use soap with a good perfume for better results.

5- If the above medication fails to work, it is time for you to pay a visit to the podiatrist.

Precautions to be taken

Few tips to keep in mind to avoid smelly feet are:

1- Air out the feet at regular intervals. Feet often stink because they sweat. Airing them out will help to dry the sweat and avoid stinking.
Try to wear socks every time you are wearing running shoes. Not wearing socks will lead to retaining of moisture on the feet, thus leading to smell on the feet.

2- Cleanliness is very important. Mere washing with soap will not do. Try to exfoliate the feet using a brush and washcloth once every month.

3- Keep your feet dry. Moisture in the form of sweat or water is breeding ground for germs that lead to smelly feet.

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