, pub-7313179000042892, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L M F: Breast Cancer Prevention tip

Breast Cancer Prevention tip

The higher the body mass index (BMI), the greater the risk of breast cancer, especially after menopause. It is estimated that women who weigh more than 82.2 kg (181 pounds) have nearly triple the possibility of developing breast cancer as compared to those who weigh less than 58.7 kg (129 pounds)


Animal fat is the breasts' biggest enemy. In addition to promoting breast cancer, animal fat is also associated with Fibrocystic breast disease (appearance of painful nodules in the breasts). 

Following a diet low in animal fat means reducing or eliminating the following foods:
- meats, especially beacon and sausage.
- cured cheese
- butter, cream, and milk skin. 
Pastries and cakes.

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