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Sunflower seeds and Skin and related Disorders

Linoleic acid and vitamin E improve the elasticity of the skin, protecting its cells from the effects of aging. Eating sunflower seeds is recommended for eczema, cracked, dry skin, and dermatitis in general. They also strengthen the nails and hair, reducing the number of gray hairs. Dr. Schneider states that an emulsion of sunflower seeds gives good results as a substitute for milk for infants suffering from infantile eczema (atopy)

Caution Sunflower Seeds.

Eating sunflower seeds is very beneficial to those suffering from arteriosclerosis or coronary heart disease, but two things must be kept in mind: 
- sunflower seeds must not be salted since excess sodium fosters arterial contraction and the deterioration of arterial walls.
- sunflower seeds should not be eaten in addition to the regular diet, but as a substitute for other foods, as if they were another dish. This prevents from taking an excess of calories, which may worsen arteriosclerosis.

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