, pub-7313179000042892, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 L M F: Tips for dry or cracked hands

Tips for dry or cracked hands

- Do not wash hands excessively. Soap and detergents damage the protective layer of skin.

- whenever possible, wash hands with a suitable lotion, cleaning them afterward with a disposable cloth or towel.
- Do not dry hands with air dryers. 
- Apply a moisturizer several times per day, rubbing hands together. Glycerin with a few drops of essential lemon   oil is a good skin moisturizer.
- Wear cotton gloves for tasks at home or at work. Cotton allows the skin to breathe while retaining moisture. By     wearing gloves, hands can be washed less frequently.
- Apply urea and or cortisone creams when dryness is excessive and accompanied by eczema or dermatitis

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